Conference Information

The International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language aims to promote theoretical research and development of international Chinese language teaching as well as to foster cross-cultural exchange. Previous sessions have already established this conference as an important academic event in the field of global Chinese language teaching. In order to deepen educational cooperation between international institutions, the conference will be held for the first time in North America in 2023. Swarthmore College will host 2023 the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, with the participation  institutions from Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and the USA. The conference will be held for two days, June 9-10, 2023.

This conference aims to reflect on and discuss the challenges and issues we have faced while teaching online and in person. We will share the most up-to-date research and pedagogy in Chinese language teaching through keynote speeches, workshops, and presentations. Chinese language teachers and researchers from across the globe will connect, identify shared interests, and germinate future research collaborations.By hosting the first domestic iteration of the conference in North America, we will strengthen a global Chinese language teaching network among educational institutes and expand our communications after the conference. We would like to use this event as an opportunity for Chinese language teachers and scholars from around the world to come together, especially in the post-pandemic era, to take stock and exchange information about the past, share their ideas, perspectives, innovative pedagogy, and strategies involving students in research, and as well as discover untapped reserves of interdisciplinary courses potential and inter-institutional potential for future collaboration.  We anticipate that participants may team up on panels or sessions to present at the 2023 conference, broadening the audience for their work.

Call for Papers

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, sponsored by the Henry Luce Foundation [and additional funders] at Swarthmore College, June 9-10, 2023.The International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language aims to promote theoretical research and development of international Chinese language teaching as well as to foster cross-cultural exchange. In order to deepen educational cooperation between international institutions, the conference will be held for the first time in North America in 2023. We would like to use this event as an opportunity for Chinese language teachers and scholars from around the world to come together, especially in the post-pandemic era, to take stock and exchange information about the past, share their ideas, perspectives, innovative pedagogy, and strategies involving students in research, and as well as discover untapped reserves of interdisciplinary courses potential and inter-institutional potential for future collaboration.  

 Proposal Submission

Proposals on all topics related to the teaching and learning of Chinese are welcome. The conference aims to include, but is not limited to, the following themes:

● Interdisciplinary Collaboration 
● New Teaching and Learning Modes
● Computer-Assisted Language Learning
● Curriculum Design
● Development of TCSL Material
● Teachers’ Training and Professional Development
● Language Learning for Heritage Students
● Advanced Placement (AP)
● International Baccalaureate Program(IB)
● Testing and Assessment
● Cross-Cultural Studies
● Chinese Education in Pre-school and Immersion Schools
● Theory of L2 Teaching
● Classical Chinese          
●   Acquisition and Development of CSL

1) Send a one-page proposal (250-350 words in English or 400-500 characters in Chinese) as an email attachment in MS-Word format to  The proposal may be written in either Chinese or English.

2) In the subject line of the email, please type “The Eighth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Proposal.”  In the body of the email, provide the following information:

  • Paper Title
  • Name of the Presenter
  • School/Organization
  • Detailed Contact Info (email address, regular mail address, and phone number)

3) Do NOT include your name or institutional affiliation in the proposal since all proposals will be anonymously reviewed.

4) Only one abstract from each person will be considered. Multiple submissions are not allowed.

5) Deadline:

Proposal submission deadline:  February 28, 2023

Notification of proposal status: March 15, 2023

Limited funding for travel and hotel will only be available to participants who present papers, one person per presentation. We realize this may not be sufficient to cover the actual cost of travel, but we hope you will be able to secure additional funds from your home institution. Breakfast, tea breaks, lunch, and dinner will be provided for all participants on the days of the conference.

We encourage you to be in touch with us directly if you have any questions. Thank you very much, and we hope to meet you on June 9, 2023, at Swarthmore!